Four Weekends and Funeral was such a delightful read. I was first drawn in by the outstanding premise. Alison attends her ex-boyfriend Sam's funeral and someone introduces her as Sam's girlfriend. She clarifies "ex girlfriend" and the guy goes "obviously." And by the time she's realized the mistake, the conversation has moved on.
Sam's grieving parents ask her to go through Sam's things with his best friend, Adam, because they can't bear to do it. Alison and Adam spend the next four weekends clearing out Sam's apartment and getting to know each other.
Alison is a BRCA 1 carrier and after her double-mastectomy, feels like she's been given a new lease on life and attempts to seek out an adventurous life even though it goes against all her instincts.
I adored both Alison and Adam, as well as the endearing and hilarious side characters, was hot and bothered by that first kiss scene (damn you Uncle Ricky for interrupting!), and was gutted by the quiet, reflective moments about what it means to dream and strive and be true to yourself. I was drawn in by the premise of this book but stayed for the banter and chemistry and the exploration of what defines a life well lived.
Easy five stars from me! So excited for you to read Ellie's debut and can't wait for what's next!