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Querying Resources

Querying can be exciting and also daunting! Feel confident in you submission materials and prepared for the next step in your writing journey.

Query Letter - $75

Find the right words to hook an agent and convey the heart of your story in a succinct and powerful way.

No one writes the perfect query on the first draft. The query letter package includes 2 rounds of revisions. (Up to 500 words.)


Synopsis - $75

Writing a succinct (often one page!) summary of your story is an art form and a different skill set than creative writing. Distill your story to show agents and editors your story structure is complete and engaging. (Up to 1,000 words.)


First 10 Pages Polish - $75

The first pages of your story have a lot of work to do. Let's make sure they not only shine, but grab and hold attention. (Up to 3,000 words.)


Query Prep -$200

Full package of query letter (2 rounds of revision), synopsis, and first 10 pages.


Let's Chat! - $75/hr

Querying is exciting! And also stressful! We can talk through strategies for querying as well as coping techniques during a uniquely challenging phase (voice, video, or messaging).

Book a call now!

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How It Works

Reach out using the form below and I'll send you a quote and my next available start date. After we book, you'll receive your query materials within 2 weeks.

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Ready to Book?

Thanks! I'll be in touch via email!

Things to Know

I will never share, reproduce, or publish your work or our conversations in any way without your consent.

I wish I could promise you an agent, a book deal, or Best Seller status because of my edits, but alas, I cannot. 

The market is impossible

to predict.

Payments are accepted through Venmo, PayPal, or Credit Card.

Other Resources

Query Letter





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©2022 by Alexandra Kiley

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